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Frequently asked questions

What is Full bed vs. Hybrid stringing?Full bed stringing is when you use the same string for both of your main and cross strings; Hybrid string is when you use a different string for each of your main and cross strings;
How often should I get my racket re-strung?Treat your strings like the oil in your car. When you go to a mechanic or a drive-thru oil change, they will likely give you a sticker to put on the inside of your windshield giving you both a date and a mileage for when to change your oil, indicating that you should change it by the date given or by the mileage given, whatever comes first. Strings are no different. More regular use of the racket will wear down the strings both in terms of tension and feel. You can replace your strings sooner if you feel like the performance is beginning to become noticeably worse, but in order to keep a somewhat consistent performance, replace your strings no later than 30 hours. However, if you do not play enough tennis to log 30 hours of play within 3 months, then you should replace your strings then. Even sitting in your bag, strings will gradually lose their elasticity and in turn their tension. TLDR: 30 hours of play or 3 months, whichever comes first.
What are the differences between poly, multifilament, and synthetic gut strings?Though we are more than happy to go into more detail with you about this particular questions, here is a very brief breakdown: Poly (aka Co-Poly): Single filament of string made from polyester and other chemical additives to give the material slickness and softness, the level of which will vary with each string and string brand. High launch angle More durable (less likely to break) Meant for spin and control Stiffer on the arm (less comfort) Recommended at lower tensions, even lower than the racquet recommendation Drops tension quick compared to other string types Relatively cheap to buy Multifilament Several different materials (such as nylon along with polyurethane bonding) that are made into hundreds or even thousands of woven/bonded microfilaments. Lower launch angle Not as durable as poly (more likely to break) Meant for power and feel Softer on the arm (more comfort) Holds elasticity and tension longer than poly More consistent performance for longer if you are not a string breaker Can be more expensive at the high end than most poly options Synthetic Gut A solid core of nylon string normally wrapped with a layer(s) of nylon filaments to enhance response and durability More crisp feeling than multifilament Kind of an in between in performance compared to poly and multifilament so a decent string to start with Great value option
What are the pros and cons of hybrid vs full bed stringing?The main pro of using a full bed is the consistent reliability of a string you particularly like. The strings were engineered and tested in a lab to perform on their own in a full bed, and anytime you want to test a new string you should always do so in a full bed. That said, a hybrid setup lets you take the string you like the most (put that in the mains) and temper them with another string that may offer benefits to the racquet the favorite string may not offer. For example, you may like the performance of a poly string in the mains and appreciate its durability, snapback, lower power. However, you may want to have a slightly bit more plushness, comfort, and feel…something a firm, stiff poly may lack in. That is when you line the crosses with a multifilament or even a cheaper synthetic gut. On the flip side, maybe you love the power and feel of a multifilament but wish the setup in general had a bit more control and durability. That is when you put the poly in the crosses. Ultimately, find the string you like the most and put it in a full bed, then temper it with a different string in the crosses if you feel like a certain attribute is missing.
What string(s) do you recommend?If the string is in my shop, that means I have extensively tested it and have given it my seal of approval and can be useful to the right player with the appropriate play style. Finding the right fit for you can be done with further consultation. One thing I normally DO NOT recommend is poly strings for a young junior player, a senior player, or a brand new player. The biggest focus for these players is comfort and longevity while they play and get better. Some are still working on the basics of form and technique. Polys are meant for those who have enough racquet speed and power on their own to be able to move and snapback the poly strings so they can do what those strings are meant to offer. No sense in carrying a claymore into battle if you are not strong or skilled enough to wield a dagger.
What tension should I use?This will vary with each player and their play style, but my overall advice is simply this…string as low as you can while still maintaining the control you need. Lower tensions give overall more benefits like comfort, feel, and power, while also arguably providing more spin, tension maintenance, and durability. I saw arguably because though there is evidence to back this claim up, it is not as cut and dry as the other benefits. The main reason to increase tension is to lower the launch angle in order to increase perceived control. Basically, if you are spraying your shots all over the place and you think it is not a matter of technique, then upping the tension can help. If you want a simpler answer, I would recommend synthetic gut at the very middle of the racquet’s recommended tension, multifilament strings +2 lb from the middle, and polys -2 lb from the middle. Then test to see what feels the best for your game. Keep in mind that polys maintain solid control even at very lower tensions like in the 40s and in some cases upper 30s. Just play around and see what works best for you.
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